SALE 50%-70% at CHECK OUT - LAST DAY MARCH 9 @11pm!!

About us

Every moment is unique and lived only once. So, let us make them all count.
Let us make them positive and delightful.
By doing so,
ça va aller. (sah va alleh) -  it will be fine.
We invite you to enjoy a first selection of vision-related items entitled:
Seeing well, Looking forward


We support independent créateurs who conceive every-day items in an elevated way, making every-day life special in a responsible way.

Quality, Style and Functionality are in mind. Whether they hail from a small atelier or have become an established staple, each item has been selected with appreciation for their craft, story and concept.

We are sharing accomplished pieces that can actively interact with us in every day life, thus making normalcy special.

Having understood the importance of strengthening our local, and global communities, caring for the what we consume and how we do it, is a must.


Quality items prevent waste. A well made item is meant to last. It may be adjusted or repaired if need be, not simply tossed, fomenting waste. Choosing quality, and taking care of what we acquire, instead of easily disposing of items, is part of consuming sensibly.


Sustainable items support the circle of life. Items made from natural materials while caring for the environment and supporting communities of people, are another way to consume reasonably while promoting well-being.


Investing in items that are useful, well made, timeless (not trendy), insures that we actually USE them and KEEP for a long time, avoiding continuous disposal. This is also consuming responsibly.


Seeing well, Looking forward.